Costumer intelligence platform

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Accurate reporting is a vital tool for businesses to analyze their operations and use that information for the decision-making process to evaluate the effectiveness. We deliver you highly advanced and easy-to-use reports for various departments and functions. These analyses can be automated, customized and sent on a regular, predetermined basis.
From the minute we start counting, we gather all your data, people counting and other such as occupancy and path mapping, from our devices and store it in our Cloud reporting tool.
We integrate your marketing campaigns. You can enjoy our breakthrough feature weather input into the system to produce all-rounded outcomes and results. All these data are analyzed with machine learning methods to deliver you actionable information about your stores, campaigns, investments, products and operations.

People counting

It was never easier to increase traffic, optimize staff, and advance your marketing strategies to increase conversion rate and profits with actionable data.
You ever wondered how many visitors enter your store, shopping mall, library, bank, restaurant or other?
With our People Counting system, with an average accuracy rate of 98%, you will be able to see data regarding peak hours, draw in rates and conversion rates among others.


Understand your customers’ behavior with in-store analytics and optimize their path to purchase!
Using our heatmap In-Store Analytics, you will know better which product line or zone is performing better by understanding your visitor’s actions, what attracts them most, what they search for and what motivates them to buy.
You can understand the reasons behind the performance of successful areas and apply this knowledge to other zones to see the same or even higher results. Let our hourly reports tell you how your store performs at different times during the day.

Queue management

Minimize the time your customer spends at checkout to improve their satisfaction and prevent missed opportunities!
People come to retail stores to buy, not to wait in lines! One in every three potential customer leaves the store if they have to wait more than five minutes at cashiers. Retailers experience revenue losses of up to 39% due to long queues. V-Count Customer Queue Management System is here to avoid potential customer losses caused by lines.
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